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Today’s Activities

You can do any of these tasks, in any order (but we've suggested a timetable).
Take as long as your little ones want for each task, let them use their imaginations! 

Please share your creations with us on social media.

All about Bees Day

My name is Shaun and I am an author. I am going to be sharing my stories about Arthur Bee today. We will be looking at the challenges that the world’s bees are going through. Arthur will be joined by his friends Yappy, Pebbles, Wendy and Eugene who will all be listening to today’s stories and watching our Bee themed activities.

9.30am Activity:
Arthur Bee Has a Secret

Here I share my story all about Arthur Bee.

You can keep trying to guess what the secret may be, talk amongst your friends and family.

Grown Ups:
This story deals with an everyday ailment that many people may suffer with, but for a bee it’s really tough, what can he do? The story highlights lots of the problems that Arthur has to deal with and the fact that he’s too embarrassed to tell anyone.The book highlights the importance of understanding that whatever your problem may be, it’s often better to share it with someone you can trust.

Develops Communication and PSHE.

10.30am Activity:
Make  Arthur Bee

Enjoy making your own Arthur Bee using the resources that are shown in the video. Decide on your own colours or even which bee character you would like to make. 

Grown Ups:
This activity encourages children to talk about their ideas for their bee. It doesn’t have to be Arthur, it could be any character from the story or one the children want to make up themselves.  It also encourages children to think about what they would do if they were Arthur.

Develops Communication and Language skills.

1:30pm Activity:
Make a Bug Hotel

This is a lovely activity for children and grown ups to do together. When your hotel is finished, hopefully all sorts of bugs will move in and make their home there. We will also be making an energy giving medicine that sick bees can take and feel strong and well again.

Grown Ups:

Encourage your child to understand the importance of bees. Explain the pollination of flowers and crops and why it is important to the food chain. Talk about what might happen if there were no bees. 

Develops Knowledge and Understanding of the World. 

2:30pm Activity:
Chalk Pictures

Let’s use our chalk boards to draw pictures of Arthur Bee and Bertie Butterfly. It is easy and fun to do.

Grown Ups:

This is a lovely creative activity which takes very little time to set up and can keep children occupied for hours.


This activity encourages children to develop their motor skills such as hand control using the chalk. 

Develops - Physical, Creativity, Understanding the World and Communication and Language skills.

If you've finished these and still have time for fun...

Find out about honey bees with your child:

Advent Poems by Little Lamb Tales

Today is December 23rd - Share this short Advent poem with your child called: The Nativity

Story time:
Arthur Bee Saves the Day by Shaun Millea
Day 23.png
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