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Bug Garden Activity Day
Hello everyone, we are Claire and Zita and we run Teddies Music Club. We sing action songs, rhymes and stories. We hope you enjoy today joining in with all of our fun activities. Today we will be: Making a bug garden. Making bugs to put in our garden. Singing mini beast songs. Making a bug hotel
Make a Bug Garden
Find out how we can use pots, plants and soil to create our own bug garden.
Grown Ups:
Your child will learn about the habitats of mini beasts and the different names of plants.
This supports children’s understanding of their natural environment and supports exploration and creativity. Work together with your child to create your very own bug garden.
Make the Bugs
Watch how we can create our own bugs to put in the garden we have created.
Grown Ups:
Your child will learn about the habitats of mini beasts and the different names of plants.
This supports children’s understanding of their natural environment and supports exploration and creativity. Work together with your child to create your very own bug garden.
Bug Song
Sing along and join in the actions with Claire and Zita’s bug songs.
Grown Ups:
Have fun together singing the different mini beast songs with Claire and Zita. See if you can create your very own mini beast song.
Making a Bug Hotel
Create your very own bug hotel together with your child. This supports children to explore and learn about their environment.
Use the bugs you made earlier as inspiration to draw your own bugs. Make your own fantastic bugs, copy from books or search ‘garden insects’ if you have a computer.
Grown Ups:
For the bug hotel you will need: The cardboard inside tube of a toilet roll – as many as you like.
Twigs varying sizes
Papery bark from trees like silver birch.
Drawing/art activity: Draw your own bugs made up or copied, then colour in, cut out and put on lollipop sticks and add to the bug garden.
Game: Hide and seek with the bugs.
Hide the bugs you have made around the garden or the house while children hide in one room. Then the children seek them out. The game finishes when all the bugs have been returned to the bug garden. The child/children can then take a turn to hide bugs for the adults.
Have fun in your own garden playing hide and seek with the mini beasts you have made.
Song for bedtime: "Four Bed Bugs Bouncing on The Bed"
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