Cleaning Routines Day
Welcome to Cleaning Routines Day. Our names are Freya and Lois and we have a fun filled day planned just for you. We have four activities all about cleaning routines and how you can help around the house!
Making a Daily Routine Chart
Lois is starting off the day with an activity teaching you how to make a daily routine chart!
Plan your week Monday through to Sunday so you are organised and no jobs get missed! This activity develops children’s organising skills and understanding how to help out at home.
Washing Up
The next activity of the day is with Freya and it’s all about washing up! Learn all about how to wash up and why it is such an important task.
Plan your week Monday through to Sunday so you are organised and no jobs get missed! This activity develops children’s organising skills and understanding how to help out at home.
Sorting Clothes
Lois is leading the third activity of the day and showing you all how to sort your clothes! We learn about why it is so important to wash our clothes regularly and keep them clean!
Sort the washing together with your child. Can you sort them into coloured, whites and dark piles ready for the washing machine? Talk about why we sort the clothes and how often we need to wash them. This develops children’s understanding of how to keep themselves clean and healthy.
Cleaning the House
The last activity of the day is with Freya and she’s going to be showing us how to clean downstairs in the house! Follow what she does as she shows us multiple tasks that can be done to help the adults clean up!
Talk together with your child about the different jobs that need to be done each day to keep the house tidy and the ones that can be done on a weekly basis. Choose some of the cleaning that you can do together. This develops children’s independence and their understanding of keeping themselves and their environment clean.
Join in with the daily routines song!
The Rose Faerie
Join P J Roscoe for this lovely tale for bedtime.