Festival Day
Hello, my name is Sarah and I am a children’s author. I love having fun in the summer time and I am excited to share my day all about celebrating summer with my festival day!
First, we will be finding out how we can create our very own festival bunting. It wouldn’t be a festival without some music. Come and join in the fun with my Dad, Steve and sister, Maria as they perform for us and Eva and Gracie show us how to dance in true festival spirit! Then we will be sharing some fun, festival face painting.
Afterwards we will be cooking up some tasty festival food on the barbecue. Look out for some festival games you can play using recyclable bottles. Finally to finish the day we will be settling down to my story, ‘The Mole and the Sunflower’.
Make Your Own Festival Bunting
Join Sarah and Eva as they create their own festival bunting.
This is a lovely creative activity to share with your child. It gives you the opportunity to talk with your child about all the things they love about summer. You can use paint, crayons or felt tip pens to draw pictures all about summer! This supports children’s language and communication, creativity, exploration and finding out what they enjoy.
Festival Singing and Dancing
Join Steve, Maria, Eva and Gracie in the garden as they perform for us.
This is a lovely creative activity to share with your child. It gives you the opportunity to talk with your child about all the things they love about summer. You can use paint, crayons or felt tip pens to draw pictures all about summer! This supports children’s language and communication, creativity, exploration and finding out what they enjoy.
Festival Face Painting
Join Sarah, Maria, Eva and Gracie as they demonstrate how much fun face painting can be.
This is a lovely activity to share with your child. Talk to them about patterns, animals and pictures they would like to have painted on their faces. If you don’t have face paints, you can paint a picture instead and hang it outside to add to the celebrations at your festival. This activity promotes communication and language about how we celebrate at different times of the year. It promotes fun and creativity.
Festival Barbecue Food
Join Sarah and Eva as they share some tasty ideas for a barbecue.
This activity promotes working together with your child to prepare food. It promotes children’s language development, learning about foods they like and dislike and also trying new foods. It supports your child to learn about safety with knives and cooking on a barbecue.
Join Sarah and Eva in the garden to play some fun festival ball games. Grown Ups This activity promotes discussion about recycling household items to create games and the importance of recycling. It also supports children’s physical activity, exploration and creativity to come up with their own ideas for new games.
The Mole and the Sunflower
Come and join Sarah for a summer inspired story about a little mole who is very fond of sunflowers. He takes great care of them and helps the other animals in the countryside to appreciate their beauty too.