Grow Your Own Garden
My name is Sarah and I am a children’s author. Today we are going to be outdoors planting seeds and making our own mini gardens.
Make a Mini Garden
Join Sarah as she makes her own mini garden with natural and household objects.
Talk to your child about making their own mini garden for their small toys to play in. You will need a tray, some soil or compost, stones, a yoghurt pot, water and some flowers that you don’t mind being picked. This activity develops children’s creativity and imagination. It also develops their language and communication.
Plant Flowers
Join Sarah as she shows you how to plant some flowers.
Talk to your child about making their own mini garden for their small toys to play in. You will need a tray, some soil or compost, stones, a yoghurt pot, water and some flowers that you don’t mind being picked. This activity develops children’s creativity and imagination. It also develops their language and communication.
What does a Plant need?
Join Sarah in the garden as she shares four important things seeds need in order to grow.
You can print off the activity sheet and draw the four things that a plant needs. This activity develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the natural world and how things grow. It develops their language and communication and supports their learning about nature.
Plant Fruits or Vegetables
Join Sarah as she plants some tasty tomatoes.
You will need plant pots, fruit or vegetable seeds of your choice, seed compost, watering can, labels and a pen.
Sarah shares an easy way to start growing tomatoes. Remember at this time of year it can still be cold. Check your packet of seeds to see if they need to be grown indoors first and then transfer them outside when it is warmer. This develops children’s knowledge and understanding of the world around them. It develops their language and communication and supports their learning about nature.
Find out more about the benefits of gardening in the early years:
The Enormous Tomato by Sarah Griffiths
Grandad uses some super strength compost on his tomatoes. Find out how they move it out of the garden before it starts to cause any more damage!