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Today, I thought it would be fun to explore other types of homes called habitats. Do you know who lives in a habitat? Shall I give you a clue? Who lives in a nest? Where does Peter Rabbit live? So today’s activities are all about animals and their homes.

Alphabet Time

Welcome to our first activity. It’s called Alphabet Time.  Do you know an alphabet song? Click on the link to listen to the song.  Now you have a go with your family. Who can sing the loudest? Who is the best dancer?

If your child does not know their alphabet, do not worry. Just play the song and have fun singing and dancing together. Play it at different times of the day or in the car and with practice, your child will become more familiar with it.

Animal Alphabet

Today we are exploring where different animals live. Their homes are called habitats.  Before we look at their habitats, we need to think of lots of different animals.  As we practised our alphabet this morning, let’s use the letters to see how many animals we can think of.  Oscar is going to help me as I need all the help I can. Are you able to help us to? All you need is: Paper and pencil if you want to write them down

If your child does not know their alphabet, do not worry. Just play the song and have fun singing and dancing together. Play it at different times of the day or in the car and with practice, your child will become more familiar with it.

Who lives where?

How is everyone? What an amazing list of animals you all thought of? Our next activity is to find out who lives where?  ​Do you know the names of any animal habitats? Have you heard of a nest? Who lives here? What about a burrow underground? Which animal digs their way into their home? Who lives underwater in the sea?  All you need is: Paper or card to make animal cards Pencils and crayons Scissors.


1) Cut your paper or card into equal sizes. You can make as many as you want. 

2)Pair the cards up so you two  in each pile.

3) On one card, draw and write the name of an animal, eg) a bird

4) On the other card, can you draw and write where they live? e.g. a nest

How many pairs of cards can you make?

Animal Snap

For our last activity today, we are going to play a matching game. You will need the cards you made earlier. Have you got them? ​How To Play: Place all the cards face down so you can’t see the pictures or words. Make sure you mix them up! Choose who is going to go first. The first player turns over two cards. It may be a cow and a nest. Does a cow live in a nest? No! They don't match, so turn them back over.  The next player takes a turn.  The winner is the player who finds the most amount of matching pairs.

Once you have made the cards, keep them as this is a game you can play over and over again. You can change it for younger children so you are just matching two of the same animals (two birds) For older children, encourage them to draw and write the name of the animals and their habitat.


When you next go on a walk with your family, keep your eye out for different animals that live in our environment. Listen for different animals. What can you hear?  Can you see any bird nests or burrows? Do you live near a pond or a river?  Enjoy your walk together and remember to keep your eye out for those animal habitats. If you can't get out and about then listen to the audio track here. Can you and your grown-up identify the sounds and the animals making them?

The Leapfrog by Hans Christian Andersen

Lloyd ends our day with a story.

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