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Mud Kitchen Day

My name is Rachel from Music Minors. Today Tallulah and I are going to have a day in the mud kitchen. We will be creating our own menu, making lots of mud inspired recipes and even painting with mud!

Making Mud Cupcakes

Using cupcake cases and mud, create a fun muddy cake.


Let the children get messy and use a spoon to mix the cake mixture up. This supports children’s imaginative play and communication and language.

Painting with Mud

Using the cupcake picture, let children paint it using mud and water.

Let the children get messy and use a spoon to mix the cake mixture up. This supports children’s imaginative play and communication and language.

Making a Mud Cafe

Using the cafe menu, create 3 dishes using mud.

Rachel and Tallulah choose 3 simple dishes for their menu. What imaginative dishes can you come up with for your mud kitchen menu? This develops children’s language and communication and the opportunity for imaginative and exploratory play.

Making Scented Water

Use scented flowers and petals to make your own scented water.


You can make flavoured water and add the petals for colour and scents. Children enjoy mixing the different flowers and mixing them together in a cup with water. This gives children the opportunity for exploratory and imaginative play. It supports their communication and language and builds confidence.


Learn this fun song called ‘Stuck in the Mud.’

Five Little Pigs by Jude Lennon
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