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National Writing Day

My name is Sarah and I am a children's author. Today we are finding out about how the world around us can inspire our writing. Join me for a fun packed day of stories, writing, drawing and poetry.

The Boy Who Couldn’t Stop Writing
Sarah shares a story about a little boy called Ben who loves to write.

Sarah brings her story to life sharing the writing that Ben in the story created. Sarah demonstrates how we can use the letters of our name to inspire our writing. Children learn the letter names and sounds in their own name. This supports your child’s phonic sounds and developing ideas for writing. This is a lovely activity giving children a purpose to write about what is important to them.

Story Map
Sarah shares an adventure story map that she made with her daughter Eva.

Sarah brings her story to life sharing the writing that Ben in the story created. Sarah demonstrates how we can use the letters of our name to inspire our writing. Children learn the letter names and sounds in their own name. This supports your child’s phonic sounds and developing ideas for writing. This is a lovely activity giving children a purpose to write about what is important to them.

Make a Postcard for Someone Special

Sarah shares a simple way to make a postcard.

Sarah talks about when we receive a postcard and how it makes us feel. It is always nice to know that someone you care about is having a lovely holiday or break away. We can send a postcard to special people in our lives and share what we have been up to. This supports your child’s writing for a purpose, finding out about themselves and talking about things they like to do.

Acrostic Poems

Sarah shares her summer poem.

Sarah shares how we can write creatively using a theme. Sarah shares her acrostic poem about Summer. This is a lovely activity to do together with your child and talk about what summer means to them.  This supports your child’s understanding of the sounds in words and developing communication and language, plus new vocabulary linked to their knowledge and understanding of the world.


To develop writing further with your child, you could write a story together. A lovely way to share this with your family is to make finger puppets and act out your story as a performance. Here is a link to print out some story characters: This activity supports creativity, story language development and develops communication and confidence.

Charlie and the Cheeky Squirrel

Sarah shares her story about Charlie the squirrel who likes to play tricks on his squirrel friends. Find our how Charlie learns his lesson on why it isn’t kind to trick our friends.

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