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Nurses Day

My name is Sarah Isaacs and I am an author and a teacher. Today we are going to be learning about nurses. We will be learning about the history of nursing, what goes in a nurse’s bag and how to look after someone when they are unwell. Get ready for a fabulous day ahead.

Florence Nightingale

We are going to learn about who Florence Nightingale was. She was a nurse and helped make nursing what it is today. Let’s find out a little more.

You can talk about how hospitals used to be before Florence Nightingale made changes. What does your child expect to see when they walk into a hospital today? It may help if you show them some pictures from a magazine or the internet to see all the hard work which goes on in hospitals today. This supports children’s knowledge and understanding of the world.

Make a Doctor's/Nurses Bag

This activity shows us what might be inside a nurse’s or doctor's bag. You could draw your own pictures and cut them out so you can add them to your own doctor’s bag. What other things might you find in there?

You can talk about how hospitals used to be before Florence Nightingale made changes. What does your child expect to see when they walk into a hospital today? It may help if you show them some pictures from a magazine or the internet to see all the hard work which goes on in hospitals today. This supports children’s knowledge and understanding of the world.

Make a Stethoscope

What would it be like to have a stethoscope and listen to our own heart? For this activity we are going to make our own stethoscope.

You will need:

An egg carton

A paper plate

Some string or ribbon


By following the instructions on the video, you can make your own play stethoscope and use it on your toys to listen to their heart just as a nurse or doctor would.

Look at some pictures with your child of nurses or doctors with stethoscopes so they can see how they are used. You could discuss where your heart is and see if your child can feel it beating with their hand.


You will need to help when cutting out the paper plate and making holes for the string too. This develops children’s imaginative play and knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

Role Play

Nurses and doctors have really important jobs looking after us. What if you were a doctor or nurse for a day? Are any of your toys feeling poorly? How can you help them? What do you need to ask them?

Talk about how it might feel to be unwell and how important it is to tell an adult if your child feels like this. Talk about how their toys may feel and how your child can help them feel better.
You can try dressing up with them too. Find some clothes which may be worn by a doctor or make a nurse’s hat with card and paper. Get your child to colour in the cross on the front. This develops children’s imaginative and creative play. It supports their language and communication too.


Imagine if you wanted to grow up and be a doctor? What if you would like to be a nurse?


These short videos look at what a doctor and nurse do and how they both help you get better.


These are our superheroes!

A poem about Florence Nightingale By Sarah Griffiths
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