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People Who Help Us

It's great to be back with EYFSHome today looking at people in our lives that help us. My name is Emma and I am an artist and a teacher. Today’s activities will include: looking at people in the community that help us, looking at what they wear and their uniforms. We will also be doing some role play and crafting too.

People Who Help Us

In our first activity we will be looking at pictures of people who help us. Some of the people may have jobs that you know already, some may be new to you. Have a chat with your grown up about all the people who help us whilst we look at the pictures.

Talk with your child about people who help you in your community? Can you draw a picture of them? We would love to see your pictures. This activity supports children’s knowledge and understanding of their local community and the people that help them. It develops children’s understanding of different jobs that help others.

Email your pictures to: or post them on our social media channels.

Doctors Role Play

I’ve got my friends with me for this activity because we are ready to go to the doctors.

Talk with your child about people who help you in your community? Can you draw a picture of them? We would love to see your pictures. This activity supports children’s knowledge and understanding of their local community and the people that help them. It develops children’s understanding of different jobs that help others.

Email your pictures to: or post them on our social media channels.


In this activity we will be having a look at the different uniforms people wear, who help us. 

Some people wear brightly coloured uniforms. This helps them to stay safe and makes them easier for people to see them. Do you have any brightly coloured clothes?

Some people's uniforms are easy for us to recognise. But not everyone's is. Some people may just be wearing comfy clothes to help them do their job which they wear with an ID badge.

Make a Police Badge

Police officers are there to help us, they wear uniforms and badges so we can easily identify them.

Let’s have a look at a picture of what a police badge might look like. With your child make your own police badge. You can set up a role play, pretending to be a police officer together with your child.

This activity supports creativity, imaginative play, communication and language linked to people who help us in our community.


Talk about emergency vehicles. You can use old boxes and make your own ambulance or police car.

Cyril the Crab by Jude Lennon
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