The Shoe Foxes
My name is Sarah Parkinson and I am a children’s author and illustrator. Today I will be sharing my story ‘The Shoe Foxes’ which is all about how we earn money to get the things that we love. I will be playing a game called ‘Sarah says’ and teaching you some fox moves. Then we will be designing our very own shoes! Next it is time to create our very own shoe shop. To finish off the day I will be sharing another of my stories called ‘Dragonfly Pie’.
Storytime- The Shoe Foxes!
Listen to Sarah’s story ‘The Shoe Foxes’, where we learn about some hardworking foxes that have a fascination with shoes! Find out how we get the things we want in shops… including glorious shoes!
Grown Ups: The aim of this book is to give your children an understanding of where money comes from. Perhaps you could talk about how we earn money and where money comes from in your household, to help them relate to the foxes.
Action Game- Sarah Says!
Learn about foxes with Sarah and do the moves that Sarah says… but only if she says, “Sarah says!”
Grown Ups: The aim of this book is to give your children an understanding of where money comes from. Perhaps you could talk about how we earn money and where money comes from in your household, to help them relate to the foxes.
Design your own shoes
Join in with Sarah colouring your own shoe designs!
Grown Ups: Here Sarah shares a list of different shoes ready for you to print off ready for the children to add their own designs! Children can copy patterns or draw their own pictures on the shoes. Dig out your pens and paints and let them go to town if they want to! They could also use stickers or pom poms or glitter… Just as long as they have fun!
Play Shoe Shops
Let’s make our own shoe shops! What shoes will you sell? What different types of shoes are there and what are they used for? Are there different colours or sizes? Sarah demonstrates how to set up your very own shoe shop.
Grown Ups: Shoe shops are a great way to talk to children through the process of making money at work, then how we can take that money to a shop and spend it! You can also pick a few shoes from your wardrobes and discuss with the children all the different types of shoes, what you can use them for and who they are for. This is also a great opportunity to work on their maths skills. Sarah demonstrates how we can label shoes with prices and pay for the shoes with play or home-made coins too.
Dragonfly Pie We finish the day reading Sarah’s second book, ‘Dragonfly Pie’ and learn about Dragonflies and birds by the lake!