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Water Day

Hello children, I'm Jude and I'm an author and storyteller. Lamby and Flossie are my storytelling mascots with Little Lamb Tales. Today we are going to be thinking about why we need water and how we use it. We'll also be learning about the water cycle and salty and fresh water. And we also have a challenge to complete.

Water Bottle Challenge

We need to drink lots of water throughout the day so our first activity will help us to do just that.


Grown ups - Help your child to fill their water bottle or cup. Encourage them to drink regularly throughout the day. Use language such as water, drink, healthy, thirsty, water bottle.

Develops - PSED and Physical skills.

Water Uses

We use water for lots of different things. Talk to your grown ups about what you've used water for today.


Grown ups - Help your child to fill their water bottle or cup. Encourage them to drink regularly throughout the day. Use language such as water, drink, healthy, thirsty, water bottle.

Develops - PSED and Physical skills.

The Water Cycle

Find out about the water cycle and a really amazing fact about dinosaurs and the water we drink.


Grown Ups - You can print off the water cycle pictures or encourage your child to draw their own. Help your child to put them in the right order and talk about what happens. Use language such as water, water cycle, sea, sun, cloud, mountain, rain, river.

Develops - Language & Communication and Understanding the World skills.

Fresh or Salty Water?

We are going to learn about salty and fresh water. Salty water is full of salt. The sea is salty water. Fresh water is water that isn't full of salt, Rivers, lakes and waterfalls are fresh water. Can you help me to decide whether the animals live in or near salt water or fresh water?


Grown ups - Encourage your child to join in with the activity. Discuss salty and fresh water. Talk about your own experiences as a family, ie a day to the seaside, a walk along a river. Use language such as - fresh water, salt water, river, lake, waterfall, pond, sea, beach, animal names. Develops - Communication & Language and Understanding the World skills.


Find out some more interesting facts about water.

Sing some water themed Nursery Rhymes i.e Row Row Row Your Boat, Jack and Jill, Incy Wincy,

The Tale of Jeremy Fisher

It's time for water themed tale for bedtime. Snuggle up

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