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Yoga Fun Day

Hello children, Jude, Lamby and Flossie would like to welcome you to our smile, stretch, be happy day. We hope you have lots of fun joining in with our activities.  Flossie is a very happy lamb. She loves to smile, stretch and be happy so we're going to have a day doing just that. We'll read her story 'Floga with Flossie' and take part in an action song. We'll also make a necklace and make up our own moves to make us smile, stretch and be happy. If you want to wear PE kit you can.

Floga with Flossie

Flossie loves to help her friends smile, stretch and be happy. You can join in with the words in the story and with Flossie's Floga actions. Don't worry, she'll show you how to do them. By the end you'll be feeling fabulous.

Encourage your children to join in with the words and the actions. This book allows you to talk about the importance of being active and being happy. You can explore words like happy, stretch, body parts, smile, feeling good, exercise and well being. Even better, you can join in too.  Develops PSHE, physical and communication skills.

Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Let's sing an action song! Can you join in with the actions to Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes? We are going to use lots of different parts of our body which will make us smile, stretch and be happy.

Encourage your children to join in with the words and the actions. This book allows you to talk about the importance of being active and being happy. You can explore words like happy, stretch, body parts, smile, feeling good, exercise and well being. Even better, you can join in too.  Develops PSHE, physical and communication skills.

Making a Necklace

I'm going to make Flossie and Lamby a 'smile, stretch, be happy' necklace and you can make one too. You might prefer to make a bracelet, anklet or headband if you like.

Encourage your child to discuss how they want to make their necklace. What will they thread onto it? Will they use a pattern? Will they use different colours?   Develops - physical, maths, creativity and communication skills.

Smile, Stretch and be Happy

Let's think of some movements to go with the words smile, stretch, be happy. You can copy my ideas or think of your own. Are you ready to play?

Encourage your children to join in with my movements to match the words smile, stretch be happy. You can also encourage them to think of their own movements. What sort of movements make them smile? Have they got a favourite stretch? When they are happy how do they like to move? This game can be played anywhere. If you want to make your own action/word cards you can or you can print off mine. Develops - physical, PSHE, communication and language skills.


1. Create your own word/action cards. 

2. There are lots of children's yoga programmes online, you might like to try one.  

3. Can you have a smile, stretch be happy five minutes every day? 

Enjoy encouraging your children to explore the extension activities.

Mitchy Around the World

Snuggle up for our bedtime story which features Mitchy Titch who is a yoga expert. We hope it helps you to feel nice and calm and ready for sleep.

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