Today’s Activities
You can do any of these tasks, in any order (but we've suggested a timetable).
Take as long as your little ones want for each task, let them use their imaginations!
Please share your creations with us on social media.
Winter Pets Day
My name is Sarah, today we are going to find out how to care for your pets during the winter. I am going to help you learn about two animals, a baby guinea pig and my pet dog. We will then be making an Advent calendar and a Christmas card that you can give to your pets or to your family.
9.30am Activity:
Arthur the Guinea Pig
I hope you are looking forward to meeting our first friend. Meet Arthur the guinea pig, he is a new member of our team and only a few weeks old. Look at how fluffy his fur is and how tiny he is. I want us to look at what our pets need from us through the winter. It is important to give small animals like Arthur, extra bedding like straw and hay. Animals will also need a bit more food and lots of cuddles. Animals need a thick coat to keep warm, just like we do in the winter.
Grown Ups:
Children will learn all about how animals keep warm. Talk together about caring for pets and animals at this time of year. This will support children’s understanding about caring for animals.
10.30am Activity:
Spud the Labrador
What did we learn in our last activity?
In this session we are going to learn about Spud our pet Labrador. Spud loves walks and visiting care homes and hospitals. When we take Spud for a walk, we need to make sure he is warm like us. He can’t put gloves and a scarf on, but he does grow thicker fur and has fur on his feet too. Spud also has a wax jacket for when the winter comes.
Grown Ups:
Children will learn about Spud and how his body grows extra fur for the winter. Talk together with your child about what they have learnt about keeping pets warm at winter time. This helps with their knowledge and understanding of animals.
1:30pm Activity:
Christmas Advent Calendar
What did I earn in the last activity?
In this activity we are going to make our own Advent calendar. By the time we get to Christmas day, we will see it transform into a lovely picture. You will need some paper, a circle shape to draw around, paints, crayons or felts.
Grown Ups:
This activity develops children’s number formation, number recognition and counting to 24. Work together with your child to draw a Christmas themed picture for their calendar. You could draw Santa Claus and use the circles for his beard . You might want to use cotton wool to block out each day or stickers. It is your child’s choice.
2:30pm Activity:
Christmas Card
For this activity you will need, some coloured card, scissors, glue, pens or felts and some plain paper.
Let’s make our own Christmas card.
Grown Ups:
Help your child with the cutting out and invite them to make their very own card. This encourages children to use their imaginations and creativity and supports their expressive art and design. Write the card together with your child for a pet or a favourite toy, or a family member.
If you've finished these and still have time for fun...
Advent Poems by Little Lamb Tales
Today is December 3rd - Share this short Advent poem with your child called: Christmas Markets