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Castles Day

Hello children, my name is Sarah and I’m an author and teacher. Today our theme is Castles!!

I’ve taken a quick visit to Bridgnorth Castle in Bridgnorth in Shropshire. Try to imagine what the castle used to look like hundreds of years ago.

Grownups:This is a lovely opportunity to discuss with your child what you might see at a castle: towers or turrets, a moat, armour and high walls.

9.30am Activity:
Making a Picture with 2D Shapes

We are going to learn how to create a picture with only 2D shapes. Put your shapes together to make an exciting picture.

Grown Ups:

Grown Ups:

You will need to help your child with cutting the small pieces of paper but they can choose what colours or shapes they would like. 

Your child can identify each shape and also guess how many shapes they might need to complete a whole picture!

10.30am Activity:
Junk Modelling a Castle

This activity sees us making our own castle out of junk. Look around for items which are ready to be thrown away and see if they could be used to make your model!

Grown Ups:

You could have a combination of items such as toilet roll inserts, cereal boxes, plastic containers etc. Talk to your child about what shapes they might need to create the drawbridge or the turrets. They will of course need help with any cutting out.

For more detailed castle ideas especially for older siblings, take a look at the link.

1:30pm Activity:
Castle Rhymes

Choosing words that rhyme can be a whole load of fun!

Grown Ups:

You can print out a wide range of words and cut them out. You and your child can go through them all making small groups of similar rhyming words.

Together you can create your own poem!

2:30pm Activity:
Make a crown for a king and queen

It is so exciting to role play and pretend you are a king or queen! This activity is great fun as you can design your own crown using glitter, paint, pom poms or even silver foil.

Grown Ups:

You can use shiny sweet papers or bottle tops to help decorate the crown. Discuss with your child what they think the job of a royal person would be. How would they act, think and behave? Perhaps you could create a crown too and you and your child can role play together afterwards!

If you've finished these and still have time for fun...

As a family you could design your own coat of arms.

Grown Ups: You may already know what your family name means and you could discuss this together. There are many templates on the internet for a coat of arms or a shield and you could adapt one to suit your style. Together you could talk about what things are important to you all e.g., to be kind or to love one another etc and perhaps incorporate this into your own family coat of arms.

For more information about what it was like living in medieval times click the link.

Story time:
A Day at Dooley Castle by Sarah Isaacs




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