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Finding stones with Grandma

Today's Author Take Over Day features Sarah Griffiths, author of ‘Finding Stones for Grandma’. Join Sarah for a day of lovely activities based around her book.

9.30am Activity:
Read a story – ‘Finding Stones for Grandma’

We are going to read a book about Eva and her Grandma. Eva is so excited that Grandma has come to stay!

Grown Ups:

Grown Ups: This is the 5th story in a popular series of stories by Sarah that support children’s emotional health and well-being.  Support your child to reflect on the special people in their lives and talk about how they make them feel. Reflect on happy times you have had together as a family and with other special people in your lives. Talk about the places you have visited and remember using your senses the experiences you had. Look at the front cover from the video of Finding Stones for Grandma.  Support your child to draw themselves with someone very special to them. Write a sentence or words that describe how this person makes them feel. This activity supports their emotional health and connecting to their feelings.

10.30am Activity:
The Magic Stone - Meditation and Relaxation Practice

Join in with Sarah as she takes you on a magical journey to find a precious stone.

Grown Ups:

Grown Ups: Join in with your child in this relaxation and meditation practice. Sarah teaches this technique in Primary schools along with her stories. Talk to your child about using their senses and imagination to take themselves to a special place.This activity supports your child to develop positive techniques that have an impact on their well-being and emotional development.

1:30pm Activity:
Collecting stones and natural items.

Collect stones, leaves, flowers or any natural objects.

Grown Ups:

Grown Ups: Take a walk with your child in your garden or local area to collect stones or natural objects that are of interest to them. Use these items to spell the name of a special person in your child’s life. You can also make a picture with these items. This activity supports your child to appreciate the natural world around them. It also supports letter recognition and their creativity.

2:30pm Activity:
Action Song using the senses

Make a song using your senses about somewhere special.

Grown Ups:

Grown Ups: Reflect on places you have visited together with your child. Make up a simple action song to the tune of wheels on the bus.  Share the song with another family member and get them to join in too. This activity supports your child’s language and communication development and emotional health and well-being.

If you've finished these and still have time for fun...

If you have finished all of these activities and still have time for fun, talk to your child about how you can take time to relax each day. Talk about what makes them feel calm, relaxed and happy. Think about some of the activities we have covered and talk about how they made them feel. Plan together each day for relaxation time.

Story time:

Jack and The Genie by Sarah Griffiths




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