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Pirate Day

Hi, my name is Natalie Reeves Billing, and I’m a children’s author. My latest book, Ben and the Bug, is all about COVID-19 and how to stay happy and safe. I have also written books about pesky little monsters, called the ‘Monstrous Me’ collection. Today it is Pirate Day, and we will be looking at how to have fun pirate style. So, grab your parrots, and off we go.  ​We will be: Making pirate hats - the height of pirate fashion Drawing up pirate treasure maps, we’ll all be millionaires at the end of the day. Making pirate pancakes and decorating them in our own pirate image. Strawberry bandanas, Oreo eye patches. Yum yum!  Walk the plank with our own pirate memory game Become the perfect pirate with this relaxing pirate tale.  Pirates will be pirates, and that’s exactly what we are going to be today. Swords at the ready and off we go.
9.30am Activity:
Pirate Hats

Using plain paper, newspaper, or gift wrap, let’s make and decorate our very own pirate hats using the video as our guide.  Join Aunty Lynn for a full demonstration.  All you will need are scissors, paper and perhaps some PVA glue and you will have a fabulous pirate hat.  Have fun!

Grown Ups:
10.30am Activity:
Pirate Treasure Maps
Let’s make a treasure map and find some buried treasure. Have a think about your house, garden, your street or the park you are visiting and talk it through with a grown up.  Then get out your pencil and start drawing. Colour it all in and maybe label the main rooms and buildings with an adult’s help.  ​When you’re finished, ask your grown up to wet a teabag and dab the tea across your paper.  Let it dry in the sunlight and see how this technique ages your map and makes it look totally ancient. Now you are ready for a real pirate adventure!  Enjoy!
Grown Ups:
1:30pm Activity:
Pirate Pancakes
Make sure you have all the ingredients listed in the video. (Just give it a quick ‘pause’ and follow Aunty Lynn, to make some delicious pirate pancakes.)  ​Once the pancakes are cooked and on your plate, it is time for the best part — decorating your pirate anyway you like. Oreo eye patches, raisin moustaches, strawberry mouths. You are going to have a swashbuckling time and get a delicious snack too. Enjoy! 
Grown Ups:
2:30pm Activity:
Walk the Plank
Take some time reading the silly pirate poem together and when you think you know your pirates, it is time for a pirate quiz with your friends or family.  Beware, the loser will walk the plank!! Beware of those crocodiles. The ocean is a dangerous place for pesky pirates.
Grown Ups:
If you've finished these and still have time for fun...
More Pirate themed Activities
Story time:
What is a Pirate?




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